"The Lord is good, a
stronghold in the day of trouble; and He knows those who trust in
Him." Nahum 1:7
It's been a rough week.
Well, actually, it's been a rough couple of months. I've been trying
to hold it in and be strong, but over the last week I couldn't hold
it in any longer. After a phone conversation with my oldest daughter
in the States...feeling her pain of being hurt and alone during a
particularly difficult time in her life...I went to bed praying and
started to cry. That was all she wrote. I cried for the next 48
hours - on and off. Mostly on.
During that 48 hours, life
was exceptionally difficult. Things that would normally be only a
nuisance became practically unbearable. The electricity was off more
than it was on - and was totally unpredictable. I cooked in the
dark, we ate in the dark, Roger cleaned up the kitchen in the dark.
All the things I would normally use to get through a dark, quiet
evening...the T.V., my computer, my tablet...were all rendered
totally useless. And since this had been happening for months
already, during this particular 48 hours I'd had about all I could
take of it. There were other more serious pressures as well, but
though it seems like a silly thing...the electricity was the straw
that broke the proverbial camel's back.
I felt overwhelmed.
Forgotten. I felt like my precious daughter had been abandoned...and
so I felt abandoned as well.
I posted something on
Facebook...peripheral things, mostly...because I couldn't post the
really deep stuff. The out-pouring of love and concern from my FB
pals touched me, and God began slowly bringing peace to my heart.
Then this morning...
I've been reading through
the Minor Prophets - some of my favorite books of the Bible. Today,
when I started Nahum, I came across this verse: "The Lord is
good, a stronghold in the day of trouble; and He knows those who
trust in Him."
He knows those who trust
in Him.
That phrase struck
something deep inside me.
Don't we all long to be
known? I don't know about you, but this is something profoundly
essential to me. I don't do surface relationships well. I've never
been good at idle chit-chat, and I've never understood people who
seem satisfied with these kinds of friendships. But it's more than
being known...because you might get to know me and find out you don't
like me! Believe me...that's very possible. It's being known...and
being loved.
He knows those who trust
in Him...
He knows me. Not just, "He
knows about me"...He KNOWS me. Like I know
my closest friends. Like I know Roger. He knows my struggles
and what gets to me. He knows the things I tend to worship. He
knows my desires and hopes and dreams - for myself, for my children,
for my ministry. He is intimately aware of every facet of my
personality. He knows where my personality has grown to be more
configured to the image of Christ, and where it still needs major
overhaul. He knows my jealousies, my discontents, my fears, my
failures. He knows what I obsess over. He knows me.
And He loves me!
I think sometimes as
"orthodox" Christians, God's love has devolved into a
theology rather than a practical reality that reaches down and
touches us. We think of it in terms of some "other-worldly,"
out-there, untouchable, unemotional, wholly cerebral thing. Where do
we get that??? Certainly not from Scripture. If Jesus was truly the
image of the invisible God, then we know God's love to be personal
and affectionate - just look at Jesus' relationship with Mary,
Martha, and Lazarus in the Gospel of John. But somehow, we take the
Greek word used in Scripture for God's love - Agape - and we so
totally separate it from other Greek words for love which mean
"brotherly love" or "erotic love," that we end
up disassociating it from any kind of warmth and loving affection.
Then, difficult
circumstances come into our lives. We throw our fists to the heavens
and declare God to be an unfeeling, uncaring ogre. But He isn't. He
loves us. He loves Roger; He loves Emily, Amy, Josiah, and Chloe.
He knows them. He loves them. He loves me.
In fact, He loves me enough
to occasionally pull out from under me the things I use in place of
Him to prop myself up (like electricity, T.V., and computer
games...or ministry) - because He knows they are useless and
ineffective over the long-haul. Sometimes, this is a much longer
process than it really needs to be, because I stubbornly cling to
these things with a clenched fist - as if they
are my life support. I yell and scream at Him as He lovingly and
compassionately pries my fingers loose with the tender affection of a
doting father. Sure, it'd be better if I just let go all at once,
He knows me...and...He
loves me.
It is my deepest desire to
know and follow hard after Christ. To have a heart after His
heart...to have HIM as my ultimate treasure.
That doesn't mean, of
course, that things in life don't hurt deeply; or, that I don't still
have questions that remain unanswered. But it does refocus my
affections...my priorities...my understanding. It does relieve me
from despair and it does open my eyes to see...to really see -
I am known and I am